Guests 2012
Every year internationally recognized scientists visit "Soft Condensed Matter" to share their expertise.
Month | Visiting Scientists | Period |
December | Prof. Dr. Adolfo J. Banchio Universität Cordoba, Argentinien | 02.12.-15.12.2012 |
Evans, Emrys University of Oxford, United Kingdom | 02.12.-07.12.2012 | |
Van Overbeek, Carlo University of Utrecht, The Netherlands | 01.12.–08.12.2012 | |
November | Dr. Mohanty, Priti University of Lund, Sweden | 18.11.-23.11.2012 |
Lisicki, Maciej University of Warsaw, Poland | 16.11.-23.11.2012 | |
Prof. Adam Patkowski Adam Mieckiewicz University, Institute of Physics | 04.11.-13.11.2012 | |
Dr. Jacek Gapinski Adam Mieckiewicz University, Institute of Physics | 04.11.-13.11.2012 | |
Herr Jonals Riest Universität in Wien, Österreich | 05.11.-07.11.2012 | |
Prof. Masaki Sano Tokyo University, Japan | 16.11.-21.11.2012 | |
October | Dr. Ruth Cardinaels Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | 23.10.2012 |
September | Dr. Shigeyuki Komura Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan | 09.09.-18.09.2012 |
Dr. Koichiro Sadakane KEK Tokai Campus, Japan | 23.09.-16.10.2012 | |
August | Rafael Roa University of Malaga, Spain | 27.08.-29.08.2012 |
July | Yang, Shi (NN) Nankai University, Tianjin, China | 31.07.-01.10.2012 |
Danni, Huang (NN) Nankai University, Tianjin, China | 31.07.-01.10.2012 | |
Prof. In-Bog Lee South Korea, Seoul | 15.07.-14.08.2012 | |
Prof. Olegario Alarcon-Waess University of Puebla, Mexiko | 14.07.-22.07.2012 | |
Prof. Samuel Sprunt, Prof. Antal Jakli Kent State University, USA | 15.08.-18.08.2012 | |
June | Prof. Rio Kita, Frau K. Maeda; Frau H. Shinohara University of Tokai, Japan | 09.06.–15.06.2012 |
Tomasz Sliwa Adam Mieckiewicz University, Institute of Physics | 01.06.–22.06.2012 | |
Prof. Wim Briels University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands | 25.06.-26.06.2012 | |
Prof. Sergei Egorov University of Guanjuato, Mexiko | 25.06.-26.06.2012 | |
Prof. Ramon Castaneda-Priego University of Virgina, Charlottesville, USA | ||
April | Dr. Agnieszka Slowicka IPPT Warschau, Polen | 16.04.-18.04.2012 |
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Cichocki University of Warsaw, Poland | 25.04.-09.05.2012 | |
March | Besuchergruppe (15 Personen) TU Delft, NL | 28.03.2012 |
Prof. Dr. J.M. Méndez-Alcaraz University of Mexiko | 26.03.–30.03.2012 | |
Dr. Giannis Zacharakis FORTH, IESL, Greece | 01.03.-02.03.2012 | |
February | Dr. Jean-Baptiste Salmon-Exterieur Rhodia Laboratoire du Futur, Pessac, France | 15.02.-16.02.2012 |
Adeline Boire Université Montpellier 2, France | 27.02.-20.04.2012 | |
Prof. Wim Briels University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands | 02.02.-03.02.2012 | |
January | Prof. Dr. Werner Steffen und Maryam Haghighi MPI for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany | 30.01.-31.01.2012 |
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Cichocki University of Warsaw, Poland | 16.01.-16.02.2012 | |
Dr. Jing Zhang Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | 11.01.-20.01.2012 | |
Dr. Marco Heinen Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany | 10.01.2012 | |
Dr. Naveen Krishna Reddy Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium | 09.01.-13.01.2012 | |
Maciej Lisicki Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland | 09.01.-17.02.2012 |
Last Modified: 23.03.2022