19. JARA-FIT Lab Course Nanoelectronics
March 11. – 15. 2024 at Forschungszentrum Jülich

The aim of the Lab Course Nanoelectronics is to bring students into contact as early as possible with current research topics in nanoelectronics, as well as the top-level research equipment used by JARA-FIT scientists. Addresses of the Nanoelectronics lab course are master students of physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, and materials science.
The course consists of introductory lectures on the first day and subsequently one experiment per day in small groups, using state-of-the-art research instruments. In one experiment, the students will be able to use the Helmholtz Nano Facility (HNF) with its cleanrooms.
Practical course experiments:
The number of participants is limited. Participation is free, but the expenses for travel and accommodation have to be covered by the participants.

Jülich Aachen Research Alliance
JARA-FIT: Fundamentals of Future Information Technology
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA
The scientists involved in JARA-FIT hope to push this limit for conventional silicon technology even further into the future by designing new chip architectures and increasing the mobility of charge carriers. They also explore other concepts based on alternative technologies for future efficient and energy-saving hardware.
The researchers are thus developing new materials and blueprints for nanocircuits, non-volatile memories, and spintronics. They are also investigating how quantum effects can be used for information processing.
New Concepts for the Information Technology
How can present computers based on crystals of silicon be complemented by other materials and concepts? What is – from a physical point of view – the smallest possible device that can be used to perform computational processes? Is there a minimum amount of energy required for floating point operations?
JARA-FIT researchers are curious about these questions. The abbreviation “FIT” stands for “Fundamentals of Future Information Technology” and describes the mission to which the JARA-FIT researchers have themselves committed to.
In JARA-FIT 20 institutes and departments at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich work together. These scientists have long played a leading international role, as was confirmed not least when the Nobel Prize in Physics went to Professor Peter Grünberg in 2007.