Programme for the promotion of women at FZJ

Forschungszentrum Jülich offers a wide range of measures and support services aimed at the promotion of women. To this end, numerous employees in science and administration apply various approaches and focus on different target groups and objectives. They all share a common aim to draw women’s attention to research, attract the brightest minds, and make the achievements of our female colleagues visible. At the same time, framework conditions are examined and improved in order to assist certain target groups in the best possible way and to create a discrimination-free working environment for all employees.
The current Gender Equality Plan (2022–2025) groups all existing and planned measures for the promotion of women at Jülich into different fields of action. Although this is important for the internal cooperation of those responsible for equal opportunity matters, it does not mean that these measures are transparent. This is precisely where the programme of action (HaPro) comes in.

The programme of action is a tool that can be used by all employees who initiate, coordinate, and evaluate measures to promote women. It is a database for entering, coordinating, and evaluating individual measures. Thus, for the first time, the programme of action can provide an overview of all existing and planned measures at Jülich.

Thanks to this programme:

  • women can view all of Jülich’s support services and measures aimed at them
  • initiators and coordinators can see the actions taken by other institutes and divisions to promote women
  • science and administration can strike up a dialogue with and learn from each other
  • those responsible for measures can manage, coordinate, and evaluate their ideas, support services, and measures
  • OUs and departments can ensure that their efforts are included in reports (e.g. report to the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, etc.) and on this page


You are welcome to contact the HaPro team via the functional email or you can contact the project coordinator directly.

Sabrina Schwarz

Referentin für Chancengerechtigkeit Spokesperson for Equal Opportunities

  • Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC)
Building 04.7 /
Room 316
+49 2461/61-8032
Last Modified: 25.05.2023