Coronavirus and Children – When Your Child Must Stay at Home

Die Covid-19 Pandemie dauert weiter an und stellt daher immer wieder eine Herausforderung für die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie dar.Für berufstätige Eltern ist gerade jetzt eine gesicherte und zuverlässige Kinderbetreuung essenziell, jedoch nicht grundsätzlich gegeben: Kitas werden unter Quarantäne gestellt oder das Kind muss aufgrund von Erkältungssymptomen Zuhause bleiben. Doch was genau bedeutet das für die Eltern? Wie sind Homeoffice und Kinderbetreuung zu vereinbaren? Gibt es Alternativen?Das BfC ist sich dieser Sorgen bewusst und möchte deshalb mit folgenden Informationen Eltern in dieser herausfordernden Zeit unterstützen.

When does my child have to stay at home?

As a general rule, if the child has a fever (over 38.5 °C) they should stay at home, as this potentially points to an infection. If the child has symptoms such as a fever, a dry cough, breathing difficulties, a sore throat, a loss of smell/taste, or muscle and joint pains, you should consult a doctor. Because of the common nature of colds and runny noses among children, the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia recommends that the child be supervised at home for 24 hours. If no further symptoms occur, the child can return to the daycare facility. Further information can be found in the recommendations for dealing with symptoms of illness (German).

My child is under quarantine - what now?
The daycare facility is under quarantine – what now?
How do I explain the situation to my child?
What should parents in contact with anyone who is in quarantine or who is awaiting a test do?
Single parent or joint legal custody?


If you have any questions regarding coronavirus and children

You can always contact your local health authority or youth welfare office. You can contact the health authority and youth welfare office of district Düren via their websites.

If you have any questions regarding childcare generally, please contact:

Margaretha Wirtz

Referentin für die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Sorgearbeit Spokesperson for reconciling work and care work

  • Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC)
Building 04.7 /
Room 315
+49 2461/61-2624

Last Modified: 31.05.2022