Mission and Aims

Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center (JPPC)
Quantitative analyses of the plant phenome by using non-invasive sensors and automation

We focus on the application and development of high-throughput, non-invasive phenotyping methods for screening of plant shoot and root productivity traits.

In our group plant biologists, engineers and image processing specialists cooperate to realize screening methodologies for shoot and root growth and architecture combined with physiological measurements of plant performance and plasticity to environmental challenges. In parallel, we apply large-scale meta-analytical approaches (plant meta-phenomics) for constructing dose-response curves of plant shoot and root traits to main environmental factors.

Our work aims at developing:

  • automated platforms for high-throughput shoot and root phenotyping
  • assays based on 2d- and 3d-imaging towards routine evaluation of plant development and physiological status (for example using RGB, fluorescence and spectral imaging)
  • database solutions for multi-dimensional plant phenomics data
  • workflows for application towards systematic plant phenotyping
  • integration of phenotyping routines and environmental monitoring.

Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center 1
Quantitative analyses of the plant phenome by high-throughput and non-invasive phenotyping.

Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center 2

JPPC actively cooperates with both academic and industrial partners and enables access to state-of-the-art phenotyping systems and experimental procedures developed at IBG-2: Plant Sciences. The JPPC capacities for plant phenotyping are currently used in national and international research networks such as DPPN (German Plant Phenotyping Network) and EPPN2020 (European Plant Phenotyping Network). The access for selected users and collaborative projects includes the use of the infrastructure as well as logistic, technological and scientific support required to conduct the proposed experiment.

How to obtain access? Please contact:

Dr. Kerstin Nagel

Head of 'Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center'

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.2 /
Room 414
+49 2461/61-9113

Dr. Mark Müller-Linow

Leitung "Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center"

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.1 /
Room 224
+49 2461/61-96978
Last Modified: 13.01.2023