Airborne/spaceborne hydrological remote sensing and data assimilation

The overall aim of the airborne and spaceborne remote sensing activities at IBG 3 is to gain knowledge about storage and fluxes regarding the hydrological cycle. Here, we have a strong focus on the estimation of the spatial and temporal dynamics of soil moisture. The estimation of soil moisture in the root zone is of high importance for improving short- and medium-term meteorological modeling, hydrological modeling, the monitoring of plant growth, as well as for forecasting of hazardous events such as floods. Passive (radiometer) as well as active (radar) microwave methods are validated against in situ observations from wireless soil moisture sensor networks, cosmic ray probes and model simulations. Another aim is to optimally combine active and passive microwave measurements of soil moisture by developing new fusion and downscaling algorithms to derive high-resolution near-surface soil moisture fields. One important task in this context is the utilization of the remote sensing data in hydrological models. A sound integration is assured by data assimilation methods. Those sequential Monte Carlo techniques, such as the particle filter, can easily be integrated in an operational way into the processing chains for higher level remote sensing products.

Airborne/spaceborne hydrological remote sensing and data assimilation

Passive microwave measurements (brightness temperature) by PLMR


Dr. Carsten Montzka
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute of Bio- and Geosciences
Agrosphere Institute (IBG 3),
52425 Juelich
Phone: +49 (0)2461-613289

Letzte Änderung: 25.07.2024