SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. This not only involves ensuring the right to equal opportunities for leadership positions and the recognition and valuing of unpaid care and domestic work, but also the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.
Overview, targets and indicators of SDG 5
Forschungszentrum Jülich is helping to realize SDG 5 by implementing measures and conditions to achieve gender equity at FZJ.
Gender Equality Plan
Gender equality is a challenge for society that affects all areas of life. Especially in the field of science, equal opportunities are essential. The involvement of women in research and the presentation of scientific facts is more than an end in itself. It is also important that research results are equally accessible and usable for all genders.
The promotion of women in science, in science-supporting processes and in leadership positions are therefore important strategic goals of Forschungszentrum Jülich. These are to be achieved in a structured manner through the Gender Equality Plan and targeted measures, organised into five fields of action.
The five fields of action:
- reconciliation of work and family care
- gender balance in leadership positions
- recruitment and career development
- gender dimension in research and innovation
- sexualized violence, discrimination, and sexual harassment

“Gender equity is possible if the topic is given attention across the board and if it is actively practised by all stakeholders and employees at all levels. The Gender Equality Plan facilitates a structured and efficient implementation that exploits synergies and will have a sustainable effect,” says Sabrina Schwarz, contact person for the Gender Equality Plan and spokesperson for equal opportunities in the Equal Opportunities Bureau (BfC).