Counselling in supervision conflicts

At the research campus in Jülich, doctoral students or supervisors have the opportunity to seek help in the event of special conflict situations. The JuDocs Committee for Counselling in Conflicts supports those affected in resolving conflictual situations in connection with a doctorate.

Research in the course of a doctoral thesis represents an important qualification phase for scientists. It can be the beginning of a scientific career and a first critical step towards establishing oneself as a member of the scientific community. Supportive framework conditions and good supervision during this phase can influence the further career path of young scientists.

Forschungszentrum Jülich attaches a great deal of importance to creating a framework for doctoral researchers and supervisors that allows them to develop in the best possible way. With the JuDocs Committee for Counselling in Supervision Conflicts it has therefore created, among other things, a centralized offer for individual counselling to help recognize conflicts early and resolve them before they escalate.

These conflicts may arise during doctoral projects due to the different perspectives of supervisors and doctoral researchers on individual projects and often general competitive framework conditions in science. The JuDocs Committee for Counselling in Supervision Conflicts is composed of six active Jülich researchers from different fields. They offer neutral advice and, if necessary, also conflict moderation.

For more information on the counselling service and the committee, see here.

Last Modified: 26.10.2023