RSE Tooling
The research group is working on tools to make software engineering in general, but especially on HPC platforms easier, better, faster, more accessible, and more attractive. We are always looking for interesting gaps in the tooling landscape, so if you think “hey, there’s really something missing in my workflow” and you would like to change that, get in touch!
The “Mirror to GitLab and trigger GitLab CI” Action enables the use of GitLab Runners within GitHub Actions in a seamless way. This action mirrors all commits of a GitHub project to GitLab, triggers the GitLab CI, and returns the results back to GitHub. Directly afterwards, a second action uses active polling to determine whether the GitLab pipeline is finished. This whole approach also works for pull-requests.
The RSE Publication Monitor is an online tool to show how much and in which context people at FZJ write about software. For this, the RSE Publication Monitor queries the JuSER database to find publications that mention certain keywords related to software. Based on this information, it is then possible to browse through correlations of keywords mentioned in these publications, and also to find out how often different keywords are used in publications from different institutes. This tool can be easily extended to cover other keywords of interest and everyone is encouraged to design their own analysis. The code for this tool is publicly available and we are always open for collaborations and further ideas.