The institute IEK-8 (now ICE-3) (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (Peking University, China) cooperate since 2006, in order to explore atmospheric chemical processes in the densely populated regions and cities in China. The research results help to understand the formation of air pollutants (e.g., ozone, fine particles) and to develop strategies for their reduction. The results are not only useful to predict and improve air quality in China, but also in Europe and other parts of the world. Several joint field campaigns have been performed:

  • PRIDE-PRD 2006 at Guangzhou in the Pearl River Delta, summer 2006
  • CAREBEIJING 2006 in Beijing, in preparation of the Olympic Games 2008
  • North-China Plain, at Wangdu, summer 2014
  • Pearl River Delta, at Heshan, fall 2014
  • North-China Plain, in Beijing, winter 2015/2016

A formal cooperation contract was signed in 2011 and in 2016 both institutes founded a joint research laboratory (International Joint Research Center for Atmospheric Research) for further research of atmospheric chemical processes.

Last Modified: 11.09.2024