Environmental Research Infrastructures, providing FAIR data and services to society, innovation and research
ENVRI-FAIR is a joint project of the cluster of the European Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI Community: Environmental Research Infrastructures). Its overarching goal is to integrate the data and services of these infrastructures and build a scientific basis for the analysis of the physical, chemical and biological processes of the complex Earth system.
While the demand for reliable, high quality environmental data is rapidly increasing, the tools to manage, document, find, access and use such data are still under-developed owing to the combination of data complexity and their volumes. ENVRI-FAIR responds to these steadily growing needs and challenges.
The contributing research infrastructures are listed on the current roadmap of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI; Roadmap 2018) as landmarks or projects. These research infrastructures form the ENVRI cluster that includes the principal producers and providers of environmental research data and research services in Europe from the four subdomains of the Earth system – Atmosphere, Marine, Solid Earth and Biodiversity/Terrestrial Ecosystems.
The integration of research activities across the boundaries of applied domain science and the Earth system as a whole requires a high standard for acquisition, storage and processing of the multidisciplinary data on the basis of the FAIR principles (defined by Force11): findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable.
Well advanced flagship research infrastructures like IAGOS lead the development and implementation of the necessary information technology tools and methods and provide support and guidance to the so far less mature infrastructures.
After its successful finalisation, ENVRI-FAIR will provide to the scientific community as well as to the public a broad set of interoperable FAIR data and research services via the catalogues of services of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).