Air Quality Forecast

The operational air quality forecasts base on the chemistry-transport model EURAD-IM (EURopean Air pollution Dispersion - Inverse Model), which includes advection, diffusion, chemical transformation, wet and dry deposition, and sedimentation of trace gases and aerosols in the troposphere. EURAD-IM has been initiated in the Earth observation program of COPERNICUS and is constantly enhanced due to work completed in diverse national and European projects. In the regional ensemble of air quality forecast simulations of the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS), EURAD-IM provides daily forecasts and analyses of air quality in Europe. These analysis rest on data assimilation of in-situ and remote sensing data (e.g. form satellites). Thus, the information content on the atmospheric state is enhanced, which allows for improved forecasts and analyses. Animated simulations of the air quality in Europe are daily published below. An archiv of the forecasts can be found on this web page.

Animated simulations of the air quality in Europe


Nitrogen dioxide

Particulate matter (PM10)

Relative humidity


Last Modified: 09.08.2024