TEC project ICRH at W7-X receives 3 million Euros Belgian support

In the frame of energy transition, the Belgian ministry of economy and energy grants 3 million Euros support to the TEC project ICRH at Wendelstein 7-X (originalannouncement in French).

The plasma heating system consisting of a movable antenna, high-frequency generators, and periphery is developed jointly by the TEC partners LPP/ERM-KMS in Brussels and Forschungszentrum Jülich together with the host of the largest and most advanced fusion experiment of the stellarator type Wendelstein 7-X, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching/Greifswald. The new heating system will allow simulating the behavior of the high energetic helium nuclei produced in the fusion reaction.

TEC project ICRH at W7-X receives 3 million Euros Belgian support

Prototype antenna mounted in a vacuum chamber at Forschungszentrum Jülich for testing



Last Modified: 09.03.2022