George Smith Award for Qing-Tai Zhao
27. February 2019
At the December 2019 IEEE Electron Device Society (EDS) IEDM meeting in San Francisco, the George E. Smith Award was presented to scientists from PGI 9 and EPFL in Switzerland for their article "Negative Capacitance as Performance Booster for Tunnel FETs and MOSFETs: An Experimental Study." The work was published in the journal IEEE Electron Device Letters inOctober 2017 (DOI: /10.1109/LED.2017.2734943). Dr. Gia V. Luong, Prof. Qing-Tai Zhao and Prof. Siegfried Mantl of PGI 9 share the award equally with colleagues from EPFL. The article is about advanced silicon nanowire devices for future energy-efficient nanoelectronics.

Last Modified: 12.08.2022