Young talent award for Tobias Schmitt

Aachen, 4. December 2018

Tobias Schmitt from PGI-9 has received a Friedrich Wilhelm Award from RWTH Aachen University for his Master's thesis "Low-dimensional Josephson junctions based on molecular beam epitaxy grown topological insulator thin films". The prize, which is endowed with 500 euros, is awarded by RWTH Aachen University in recognition of the outstanding scientific achievements of its graduates. The award ceremony took place on November 30 in Aula 1 of RWTH Aachen University.

Tobias Schmitt had investigated superconducting elements based on topological insulators as part of his master's thesis. Topological insulators are novel materials that are insulating on the inside while the surface is conducting. In combination with superconductors, it is predicted that so-called Majorana states will emerge, forming the basis for a fault-tolerant Quantum Computer. In his master's thesis, structures were fabricated from bismuth-based topological insulators and the superconductor niobium in the form of Josephson junctions. These were subsequently measured at low temperatures. The signatures discovered in this work can be interpreted as indicative of Majorana states. In addition, the technique of selective growth of nanostructures of these materials was optimized, which enables the construction of complicated networks and plays an important role, among other things, for scalability in the prospect of Quantum Computers.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector RWTH Aachen and Tobias Schmitt
Schmitter Fotografie für RWTH Aachen

Last Modified: 12.08.2022