Journal articles
30. S.-M. Hong*, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, J. Felder, Design of a folded, double-tuned loop coil for 1H/X-nuclei MRI applications, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging (IF: 11.037), Accepted.
29. C.-H. Choi*, J. Felder, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, MRI Coil Development Strategies for Hybrid MR-PET Systems: A Review, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (IF: 7.073), DOI:10.1109/RBME.2022.3227337, Accepted.
28. C.-H. Choi*, S.-M. Hong, N.J. Shah, J. Felder, Design and comparison of different types of dual-frequency matching networks used in double-tuned coils for multinuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, IEEE Access (IF: 3.476), 10: 123899-123904.
27. C. Lerche, D Niekaemper, J Scheins, M Schoeneck, W Bi, D Ridder, L Tellmann, C.-H. Choi, et al., Development of a UHF-MRI compatible BrainPET insert for neuroscientific applications, J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 42(1_SuppL): 223-224.
26. C.-H. Choi*, S.-M. Hong, J. Felder, L. Tellmann, J. Scheins, E. Rota Kops, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, A novel J-shape antenna array for simultaneous MR-PET or MR-SPECT imaging, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 41(5): 1104-1113.
25. E. Farrher*, C.-W. Chiang, K.-H. Cho, F. Grinberg, R. Buschbeck, M.-J. Chen, K.-J. Wu, Y. Wang, S.-M. Huang, Z. Abbas, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, L.-W. Kuo*, Spatiotemporal characterisation of ischaemic lesions in transient stroke animal models using diffusion free water elimination and mapping MRI with echo time dependence, NeuroImage, 244: 118605.
24. H.J. Patel, C.-H. Choi, L.S. Stollberg, E. Iordanishvili, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, 2021, A 1H/31P MR spectroscopy study of GABA and high energy phosphates modulation induced by anodal tDCS in the primary motor cortex of healthy subjects, Clinical Neurophysiology, 132(8):e10.
23. A. Celik, C.-H. Choi*, L. Tellmann, C. Rick, N.J. Shah, J. Felder*, 2021, Design and construction of a PET compatible double-tuned, 1H/31P MR head coil, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 40(8): 2015-2022.
22. C.-H. Choi, E. Iordanishvili,N.J. Shah and F. Binkofski*, 2021, MR Spectroscopy with tDCS to explore the underlying biochemical and physiological mechanism of the human brain: A systematic review, Hum. Brain Mapp., 42(8):2642-2671.
21. J. Felder*, C.-H. Choi, Y. Ko, N.J. Shah, 2020, Optimization of high-channel count, switch matrices for multinuclear, high-field MRI, PLoS ONE,15(8):e0237494.
20. C.-H. Choi*, S. Hong, J. Felder and N.J. Shah, 2020, The state-of-the-art and emerging design approaches of double-tuned RF coils for X-nuclei, brain MR imaging and spectroscopy: A review, Magn. Reson. Imaging, 72, 103-116.
19. C.-H. Choi, C. Stegmayr, A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, N.A. da Silva, J. Felder, K-J. Langen, N.J. Shah*, 2020, An in vivo multimodal feasibility study in a rat brain tumour using flexible multinuclear MR and PET systems, EJNMMI Phys., 7:50.
18. C. Stegmayr*, R. Surges, C.-H. Choi, N. Burda, G. Stoffels, C. Filß, A. Willuweit, B. Neumaier, A. Heinzel, N.J. Shah, F.M. Mottaghy, K-J. Langen, 2020, Investigation of cerebral O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine uptake in rat epilepsy models, Mol. Imaging Biol., 22, 1255-1265.
17. C.-H. Choi*, T. Felder, J. Felder, L. Tellmann, S.-M. Hong, H.P. Wegner, N.J. Shah, K. Ziemons, 2020, Design, evaluation and comparison of endorectal coils for hybrid MR-PET imaging of the prostate, Phys. Med. Biol., 65, 115005.
16. E. Farrher*, F. Grinberg, L.-W. Kuo*, K.-H. Cho, R. Buschbeck, H.-H. Chiang, M.-J. Chen, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, 2020, Dedicated diffusion phantoms for the investigation of free water elimination and mapping: insights into the influence of T2 relaxation properties, NMR in Biomedicine, 33(4), e4210.
15. K.-H. Cho, S.-M. Huang, C.-H. Choi, M.-J. Chen, H.-H. Chiang, R. Buschbeck, E. Farrher, N.J. Shah, R. Garipov, C.-P. Chang, H. Chang, L.-W. Kuo*, 2019, Development, integration and use of an ultra-high-strength gradient system on a clinical 3 T magnet for small animal MRI, PLoS ONE 14(6), e0217916.
14. S.-M. Hong*, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, J. Felder, 2019, Design of a double-resonant helmet coil for 1H/31P at 3T MRI, Phys. Med. Biol., 64, pp. 035003.
13. Y.-K. Ko, S. Yun, S.-M. Hong, Y. Ha, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, J. Felder*, 2018, MR-compatible, 3.8 inch dual organic light-emitting diode (OLED) in-bore display for functional MRI, PLoS ONE, 13(10): e0205325.
12. Y.-K. Ko, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, J. Felder*, 2018, Signal Loss Compensation of RF Crossbar Switch Matrix System in Ultra-High Field MRI, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits and Systems, 12, pp. 1458-1466.
11. S.-M. Hong*, C.-H. Choi, A.W. Magill, N.J. Shah, J. Felder, 2018, Design of a quadrature 1H/31P coil using bent dipole antenna and 4-channel loop at 3T MRI, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 37, pp. 2613-2618.
10. Y. Ha1, C.-H. Choi1,*, N.J. Shah, 2018, Development and implementation of a PIN-diode controlled, quadrature-enhanced, double-tuned RF coil for sodium MRI, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 37, pp. 1626-1631 (The first authorship is shared between Choi and Ha).
9. N.A. da Silva, P. Lohmann, J. Fairney, A.W. Magill, A. Oros-Peusquens, C.-H. Choi, R. Stirnberg, G. Stoffels, N. Galldiks, X. Golay, K-J. Langen, N.J. Shah*, 2018, Hybrid MR-PET of Brain Tumours using Amino Acid PET and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI, Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 45, pp.1031-1040.
8. A. Del Guerra*, … C.-H. Choi, et al., 2018, TRIMAGE: a dedicated trimodality (PET/MR/EEG) imaging tool for schizophrenia, Eur. Psychiatry, 50, pp. 7-20.
7. Y. Ha1, C.-H. Choi1,*, W.A. Worthoff, A. Shymanskaya, M. Schöneck, A. Willuweit, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, 2018, Design and in vivo use of a folded four-ring double-resonant quadrature birdcage coil for rat brain sodium imaging at 9.4T, J. Magn. Reson., 286, pp. 110-114 (The first authorship is shared between Choi and Ha).
6. J. Felder*, A. Celik, C.-H. Choi, S. Schwan and N.J. Shah, 2017, 9.4T Small Animal MRI Using Clinical Components for Direct Translational Studies, J. Transl. Med., 15, pp. 264.
5. C.-H. Choi*, S. Hong, Y. Ha, N.J. Shah, 2017, Design and construction of a novel 1H/19F double-tuned coil system using PIN-diode switches at 9.4T, J. Magn. Reson., 279, pp.11-15.
4. C.-H. Choi*, Y. Ha, P. Veeraiah, J. Felder, K. Moellenhoff, N.J. Shah, 2016, Design and implementation of a simple multinuclear MRI system for ultra high-field imaging of animals, J. Magn. Reson., 273, pp. 28-32.
3. C.-H. Choi, J.M.S. Hutchison, D.J. Lurie*, 2010, Design and construction of an actively frequency-switchable RF coil for fast field-cycling magnetisation transfer contrast MRI, J. Magn. Reson., 207(1), pp. 134-139.
2. D.J. Lurie*, S. Aime, S. Baroni, N.A. Booth, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al., 2010. Fast Field-Cycling MRI, C. R. Physique, 11(2), pp. 136-148.
1. C.-H. Choi*, G.R. Davies, D.J. Lurie, 2010. Off-resonance Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI using Fast Field-Cycling, J. Magn. Reson., 204(1), pp. 145-149.
* Corresponding author
Book and book chapters
5. Hybrid MR-PET Imaging: Systems, Methods and Applications (Royal Society of Chemistry, Editor: Prof. N. Jon Shah) Chapter 18. Preclinical MR-PET hybrid scanner hardware (C.-H. Choi*, J. Felder, C. Lerche and N.J. Shah), 2019.
4. Hybrid MR-PET Imaging: Systems, Methods and Applications (Royal Society of Chemistry, Editor: Prof. N. Jon Shah) Chapter 10. MR-PET hybrid system instrumentation (C. Lerche*, J. Felder, C.-H. Choi and N.J. Shah), 2019.
3. Hybrid MR-PET Imaging: Systems, Methods and Applications (Royal Society of Chemistry, Editor: Prof. N. Jon Shah) Chapter 2. MRI instrumentation (J. Felder*, C.-H. Choi and N.J. Shah), 2019.
2. Quantitative MRI of the Brain: principles of physical measurement, 2nd Edition (Editors: Prof. M. Cercignani, Dr. N. Dowell, Prof. P. Tofts), Chapter 13: Multinuclear MR Imaging and Spectroscopy (Authors: W.A. Worthoff*, A. Shymanskaya, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, A. Oros-Peusquens, N.J. Shah), 2018.
1. Fast field-cycling magnetisation transfer contrast magnetic resonance imaging, PhD thesis, University of Aberdeen, UK, 2010.
6. C.-H. Choi, et al., Ein frei zugängliches Magnetresonanztomographie-Spulenarray für anästhesierte und beatmete Säuglinge
5. S.-M. Hong, et al., Doppeltresonante Spule sowie Array von doppeltresonanten Spulen und deren Verwendung
4. C.-H. Choi, et al., Doppelt abgestimmte Empfangsspule für ein Magnetresonanztomographie-System
3. C.-H. Choi, et al., Modular anpassbare Spule und Spulenanordnung für ein Magnetresonanztomographiesystem
2. C.-H. Choi, et al., Dipolantennen-Array für hybride MR-PET und MR-SPECT Tomographen sowie dessen Verwendung und MR-PET oder MR-SPECT Tomograph mit einem Dipolantennen-Array
1. S.-M. Hong, et al., Spulenanordnung, MR-System, insbesonndere MRT – und/oder MRS-System, mit einer solchen Spulenanordnung sowie Verwendung einer solchen Spulenanordnung
Conference proceedings
82. F. Mueller, D. Schug, B. Weissler, H. Radermacher, K. Krueger, L. Yin, V. Nadig, A. Mazur, A. Honne, J. Collienne, M. Lennartz, D. Grunwald, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, J. Scheins, D. Niekaemper, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, V. Schulz, Design of MRI-compatible PET module based on the Hyperion III platform for the BrainPET 7T project, Proc. IEEE NSS MIC, 2022 (submitted).
81. H. Patel, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, A study of GABA and high energy phosphates change induced by anodal tDCS in the primary motor cortex of healthy subjects using 1H/31P MR spectroscopy, Proc. DGMP, 2022 (Submitted).
80. F. Mueller, D. Schug, B. Weissler, H. Radermacher, K. Krueger, L. Yin, V. Nadig, A. Mazur, A. Honne, J. Collienne, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, J. Scheins, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, V. Schulz, Design of the BrainPET 7T project's UHF MRI-compatible PET module based on the Hyperion III platform, Proc. PSMR, 2022 (Poster).
79. C. Lerche, D. Niekämper, J. Scheins, M. Schöneck, W. Bi, D. Ridder, L. Tellmann, C.-H. Choi, et al., Development of an UHF-MRI compatible BrainPET insert for neuroscientific applications, Proc. Brain & BrainPET conference, 2022 (Poster presentation)
78. C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Hong, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, A comparison of double-matching networks in a double-tuned coil for multinuclear MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2022 (Digital poster).
77. C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Hong, J. Felder, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, Simulation of a shield effect on a J-pole antenna array for ultra-high field MR-PET, Proc. ISMRM, 2022 (Digital poster).
76. K.-H. Cho, P.-H. He, H.-H. Chiang, M.-J. Chen, E. Farrher, N.J. Shah, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, A simple, multi-purpose coil for Improved Mouse Brain image quality and coverage at 3-T MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2021 (Digital poster).
75. C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Hong, J. Felder, L. Tellmann, J. Scheins, E. Rota Kops, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, Novel antenna array for ultra-high field MR-PET, Proc. ISMRM, 2021 (Digital poster).
74. H.J. Patel, C.-H. Choi, L.-S. Stollberg, E. Iordanishvili, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, A 1H/31P MR spectroscopy study of GABA and high energy phosphates modulation induced by anodal tDCS in the primary motor cortex of healthy subjects, 65th DGKN, 2021 (Poster presentation).
73. H.J. Patel, C.-H. Choi, L.-S. Stollberg, E. Iordanishvili, E. Farrher, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of GABA neurotransmitter in motor cortex and basal ganglia of healthy subjects following anodal transcranial direct current stimulation, 14th German Neuroscience Society Conference, 2021 (Poster presentation).
72. F. Mueller, D. Schug, B. Weissler, H. Radermacher, K. Krueger, L. Yin, V. Nadig, A. Mazur, A. Honne, J. Collienne, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, J. Scheins, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, V. Schulz, Design of an UHF MRI-compatible PET module based on the Hyperion III platform, Proc. IEEE NSS MIC 2020, 1709 (Oral presentation).
71. C. Lerche, M. Lenz, W. Bi, D. Niekämper, J. Scheins, L. Tellmann, C.-H. Choi, et al., Design and Estimated Performance of a UHF-MRI Compatible BrainPET Insert for Neuroscience, Proc. IEEE NSS MIC 2020, 1133 (Digital poster).
70. C.-W. Chiang, …, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, Exploration of mannitol-treated dehydration in acute stroke using diffusion kurtosis imaging with free water elimination, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
69. C.-H. Choi, ... N.J. Shah, A novel interchangeable, double-tuned, twin head coil array design for 1H/23Na MR imaging and 1H/31P MR spectroscopy at 7T, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Oral presentation).
68. C.-H. Choi, E. Iordanishvili, L.-S. Stollberg, H.J. Patel, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, Differential modulation of the cerebral energy consumption by two different transcranial direct current stimulation settings as measured by 31P MR spectroscopy, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
67. C. Stegmayr, S. Bremen, C.-H. Choi, et al., In-vivo Tierversuchsersatzmodell zur präklinischen Tumordiagnostik: PET-MR im Hühnerembryo, Proc. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 2020;59(02):130 (E-poster)
66. S.-M. Hong, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Numerical evaluation of a domed and folded-ring, double-tuned birdcage coil for 1H/31P at 3T MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
65. S.-M. Hong, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Design and evaluation of dual-tuned circular dipole antenna up to 14T MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
64. E. Farrher, R.P. Buschbeck, K.-H. Cho, M.-J. Chen, S. Yun, A. Zaheer, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, N.J. Shah, Rapid DTI-based free water elimination and mapping with explicit T2 modeling using a dual-echo Stejskal-Tanner EPI sequence, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
63. E. Farrher, …, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, L.-W. Kuo, Spatiotemporal evolution of ischemic lesions in stroke animal models using free-water elimination and mapping with explicit T2 attenuation, Proc. ISMRM, 2020 (Digital poster).
62. C. Lerche, M. Lenz, W. Bi, J. Scheins, L. Tellmann, C.-H. Choi, et al., Design and Simulation of a high-resolution and high-sensitivity BrainPET insert for 7T MRI, Proc. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 2020;59(02):96 (E-poster).
61. Y.-K. Ko, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, J. Felder, The miniaturisation and simplification of a crossbar switch matrix system using stacked switch blocks, Proc. ISMRM, 2019 (Digital poster).
60. K.-H. Cho, R. Buschbeck, S.-Y. Lin, E. Farrher, M.-J. Chen, C.-W. Chiang, N.J. Shah, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, An in vivo investigation on quantitative metrics of diffusion kurtosis tensor: the effect of diffusion gradient parameters in the clinical setting, Proc. ISMRM, 2019 (Digital poster).
59. S.-M. Huang, K.-H. Cho, M.-J. Chen, H.-H. Chiang, C.-H. Choi, E. Farrher, R. Buschbeck, N.J. Shah, R. Garipov, C.-P. Chang, H. Chang, L.-W. Kuo, A 3T MRI platform for imaging rodent models by integrating the dedicated highstrength gradient coil on a whole-body magnet, Proc. ISMRM, 2019 (Digital poster).
58. R.P. Buschbeck, E. Farrher, K.-H. Cho, M.-J. Chen, S. Yun, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, N.J. Shah, A Multi-Echo Stejskal-Tanner EPI Sequence for Rapid Measurements of T2 and Diffusion Tensor Correlations, Proc. ISMRM, 2019 (Digital poster).
57. C.-H. Choi, L. Volkovic, W. Clarke, A.I. Schmid, N.J. Shah, C.T. Rodgers, NOE enhancement for 31P-MRS of skeletal and cardiac muscle at 7T, Proc. ISMRM, 2019 (Digital poster).
56. C. Lerche, M. Lenz, W. Bi, J. Scheins, L. Tellmann, C.-H. Choi, et al., Design and construction of a high-resolution and high-sensitivity BrainPET insert for 7T MRI, PSMR, 2019 (Oral presentation).
55. C. Stegmayr, R. Surges, C.-H. Choi, A. Willuweit, P. Lohmann, B. Neumaier, N.J. Shah, K-J. Langen, Cerebral FET uptake owing to epilepsy appears to be a rare phenomenon, Proc. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 2019;58(02):162-163, DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1683644 (Poster presentation).
54. A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Application of strongly modulated pulses in triple quantum filtering for in vivo animal sodium MRI, Proc., ISMRM X-nuclei workshop, 2018 (Traditional poster).
53. C. Stegmayr, C.-H. Choi, A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, N.A. da Silva, J. Felder, K-J. Langen, N.J. Shah, Feasibility study of a multinuclear MR-PET system in a rat brain tumour model, Proc. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 2018 (Oral presentation).
52. P. Lohmann, N.A. da Silva, J. Fairney, A.W. Magill, A. Oros-Peusquens, C.-H. Choi, R. Stirnberg, G. Stoffels, N. Galldiks, X. Golay, K-J. Langen, N.J. Shah, FET PET and chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in brain tumours – a hybrid MR/PET study, Proc. Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 2018.
51. C.-H. Choi, K. Ziemons, T. Felder, H.-P. Wegener, N.J. Shah, Design and evaluation of RF coils for hybrid MR-PET imaging of the prostate, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
50. H.-H. Chiang, K.-H. Cho, E. Farrher, J. Lindemeyer, R. Buschbeck, F. Grinberg, N.J. Shah, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, Design of multi-purpose and 3D-printed fibre phantoms for investigating complex tissue microstructures, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (E-poster).
49. Y.-K. Ko, S. Yun, J. Felder, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, MR-Compatible, Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display for functional MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
48. E. Farrher, R. Buschbeck, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, S. Yun, F. Grinberg, N.J. Shah, In vivo DTI-based free-water elimination with T2-weighting, Proc., ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
47. Y. Ha, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, A receive-only, double-tune coil using preamplifier decoupling, Proc., ISMRM, 2018 (E-poster).
46. S.-M. Hong, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Design and simulation of dual-band dipole antenna for 1H/31P at 9.4T MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (E-poster).
45. D. Koh, J. Felder, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, Wavelength independent λ/40 Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line Coil, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (E-poster).
44. E. Farrher, K.-H. Cho, R. Buschbeck, M.-J. Chen, H.-H. Chiang, F. Grinberg, N.J. Shah, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, DTI-based free-water elimination with T2-weighting using dedicated anisotropic diffusion fibre phantoms, Proc., ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
43. S.-M. Hong, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Dual-resonant helmet coil for 1H/31P at 3T MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
42. M.-J. Chen, K.-H. Cho, C.-H. Choi, E. Farrher, R. Buschbeck, H.-H. Chiang, N.J. Shah, H. Chang, L.-W. Kuo, A feasibility study of ultra-high-strength gradient system on 3T: demonstration using DTI on anisotropic diffusion fibre phantoms, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
41. Y.-K. Ko, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, A Signal Loss Compensation Method in an RF switch matrix system in Ultra High Field MRI, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
40. H.J. Patel, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, F. Binkofski, A 1H/31P MRS study of ATP and GABA modulation induced by anodal transcranial direct current stimulation in primary motor cortex of healthy subjects, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
39. C.-H. Choi, C. Stegmayr, A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, N.A. da Silva, J. Felder, K-J. Langen, N.J. Shah, Feasibility study of multinuclear MR at 9.4T and PET in a rat brain tumour model, Proc. ISMRM, 2018 (Traditional poster).
38. M.-J. Chen, K.-H. Cho, C.-H. Choi, E. Farrher, R. Buschbeck, H.-H. Chiang, N.J. Shah, H. Chang, L.-W. Kuo, Integration of ultra-high-strength, multi-scale and switchable gradient systems on a whole-body 3T magnet: diffusion MRI feasibility demonstration, Proc. ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
37. E. Farrher, K.-H. Cho, R. Buschbeck, M.-J. Chen, H.-H. Chiang, F. Grinberg, N.J. Shah, C.-H. Choi, L.-W. Kuo, Investigating complex structural characteristics using diffusion MRI on multi-sectional anisotropic fibre phantoms, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
36. P. Veeraiah, C.-H. Choi, M. Schöneck, A. Willuweit, J. Felder, K. Ziemons, N.J. Shah, In vivo multinuclear 1H, 17O, 23Na MRI and 31P MRS of healthy rat brain at 9.4T, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
35. A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, Triple quantum filtering in in vivo animal sodium MRI using strongly modulated pulses, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (Oral presentation).
34. Y. Ha, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, Implementation of a quadrature-compensated, double-tuned coil at 9.4T, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
33. Y. Ha, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, An actively decoupled, double-tuned, receive only RF coil design, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster).
32. C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, P. Chervakov, N.J. Shah, A study of NOE enhancement in 31P MR spectroscopy with respect to 1H coil size in a double-tuned coil at 3T, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
31. C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, W. Worthoff, A. Shymanskaya, M. Schöneck, A. Willuweit, J. Felder, N.J. Shah, In vivo rat sodium imaging at 9.4T using a folded four-ring double-resonant quadrature birdcage coil, Proc., ESMRMB, 2017 (E-poster with lightening talk).
30. Y. Ko, H.L. Lee, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, A technique to compensate signal loss in an RF switch matrix system in MRI, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (Traditional poster).
29. N.A. da Silva, P. Lohmann, J. Fairney, A.W. Magill, A. Oros-Peusquens, C.-H. Choi, R. Stirnberg, X. Golay, K-J. Lagen, N.J. Shah, Hybrid MR-PET of Brain Tumours with amino acid-PET and Amide Proton Transfer MRI, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (Oral presentation).
28. S. Hong, C.-H. Choi, J. Felder, A.W. Magill, N.J. Shah, A bent dipole antenna and 4-channel loop array for 1H/31P brain application at 3T MRI, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
27. Y. Ha, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, Folded four-ring double-tuned birdcage coil design, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
26. Y. Ha, A.W. Magill, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, PIN-diode switched dual-tuned RF coils, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
25. J. Felder, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, Loopoles vs. conventional MR loops under safety considerations, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
24. C.-H. Choi, L. Tellmann, J. Felder, C. Lerche, N.J. Shah, An evaluation of RF coil materials for 1H/31P for use in a hybrid MR-PET scanner at 3T, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
23. C.-H. Choi, S. Hong, Y. Ha, N.J. Shah, Design and construction of a novel double-tuned 1H/19F coil using PIN-diode switches at 9.4T, Proc., ISMRM, 2017 (E-poster).
22. A. Shymanskaya, W.A. Worthoff, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, Enhanced Simultaneous Multiple Quantum Filtered Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Proc., ESMRMB, 2016 (Oral presentation).
21. Y. Ha, A.W. Magill, C.-H. Choi, N.J. Shah, PIN-diode switched dual-tuned RF coils, Proc., ESMRMB, 2016 (E-poster).
20. C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, A.W. Magill, N.J. Shah, Design of quadrature-compensated double-tuned RF surface coil using trap circuits, Proc., ISMRM, 2016 (Traditional poster).
19. C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, P. Veeraiah, J. Felder, K. Moellenhoff, N.J. Shah, Development of translational simple multinuclear MRI system for ultra high-field, Proc., ISMRM, 2016 (E-poster).
18. A.W. Magill, C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, N.J. Shah, Design and construction of a triple-tuned RF probe for 23Na/31P/1H using traps, Proc., ISMRM, 2016 (Traditional poster).
17. J. Cabello, S. Ahmad, M. Avram, J. Belcari, A. Berneking, L. Biagi, M.G. Bisogni, N. Camarlinghi, P. Cerello, C.-H. Choi, et al., TRIMAGE: A Simultaneous PET-MRI-EEG Brain Scanner Dedicated to Mental Disorders, Proc., ECCN, Rome, Italy, #P15, 2016.
16. J. Felder, C.-H. Choi, et al., 9.4 T Preclinical MRI Scanner for translation research with binary compatibility to human scanner and clinical UI, Proc., ISMRM, 2016 (E-poster).
15. C.-H. Choi, Y. Ha, P. Veeraiah, K. Moellenhoff, N.J. Shah, Design and implementation of simple multinuclear preclinical MRI system at ultra high-field, Proc., ESMRMB, 2015 (E-poster with lightening talk).
14. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. NMR relaxometry and MRI using Fast field-cycling, Proc., AMPERE NMR School, Poznan, Poland, 2012.
13. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. Field-Cycling MRI – techniques and applications, Proc., AMPERE NMR School, Zakopane, Poland, 2011.
12. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. Fast Field-Cycling MRI, Proc., 7th Conference on Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino, Italy, #O19, 2011.
11. C.-H. Choi, D.J. Lurie. Magnetic field-dependent magnetisation transfer contrast MRI using fast field-cycling, Proc., ISMRM, 2011 (E-poster).
10. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. Field-Cycling magnetic resonance imaging, Proc., AMPERE NMR School, Wierzba, Poland, 2011.
9. C.-H. Choi, I. Lavdas, J.M.S. Hutchison, D.J. Lurie. Design and construction of an actively frequency-switchable RF coil for fast field-cycling magnetisation transfer contrast MRI, Proc., ISMRM, 2010 (E-poster and Educational travel award).
8. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. Polarisation manipulation in MRI by magnetic field-cycling and DNP, Proc., 10th ICMRM, West Yellowstone, USA, 2009.
7. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. 1000 Field Strengths in One Scanner - Fast Field-Cycling MRI, Proc., AMPERE NMR School, Zakopane, Poland, 2009.
6. C.-H. Choi, G.R. Davies, D.J. Lurie. The use of Fast Field-Cycling technique with Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI, Proc., 6th Conference on Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino, Italy, #P11, 2009 (Traditional Poster).
5. D.J. Lurie, L. Broche, C.-H. Choi, et al. Fast Field-Cycling MRI, Proc., 6th Conference on Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino, Italy, #O10, 2009.
4. C.-H. Choi, G.R. Davies, D.J. Lurie. Off-resonance Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI using Fast Field-Cycling technique, Proc., ISMRM, 2009 (Traditional poster and Educational travel award).
3. D.J. Lurie, C.-H. Choi, G.R. Davies, et al. Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Proc., 4th Meeting of the Saudi Physical Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2008.
2. D.J. Lurie, C.-H. Choi, G.R. Davies, et al. Principles and Applications of Magnetic Field Cycling in MRI, Proc., 20th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, Austria, 2008.
1. C.-H. Choi, D.J. Lurie. Implementation of Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI at low field, Proc., AMPERE NMR School, Wierzba, Poland, #52, 2008 (Traditional Poster).
Korean coordinator of the e-book entitled “The pioneering of e-learning in medical physics, EMIT dictionary”
Project leader: Dr. Slavik Tabakov (King’s College London, UK).