Vanessa Maybeck

Dr. Vanessa Maybeck

PI, Group leader

Research Topics

Optogenetics, Microelectrode Arrays, Electrophysiology, neuroscience, in vitro neural networks, IBI-3-Cell-Engineering


+49 2461/61-3285

+49 2461/61-8733




Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI)

Bioelectronics (IBI-3)

Building 02.4v / Room 219

You can find us here

About me

I studied molecular genetics and biotechnology at Stony Brook University and then biotechnology commercialization at the University of Cambridge before joining Forschungszentrum Jülich. Here, my initial work aimed to use optogenetics and diamond electronics as input and output systems, respectively, for neuronal networks. My post-doc continued in comparing carbon-based electronic devices to optogenetics for recording from and manipulating electrogenic cells. Currently, I am the group leader for the Cell Engineering Group in IBI-3, Bioelectronics. My group is composed mainly of biologists working at the interdisciplinary cross-section of molecular genetics, electrophysiology, neuroscience, and artificial biological systems. We use small networks of in vitro living neurons to investigate how to most efficiently provide inputs and detect outputs of cellular information processing. We aim to precisely manipulate the activity of single neurons in the network to program information into the network. We develop optogenetic tools to provide signals to neurons, as well as working closely with the Neuroelectronics group validating new extracellular sensing devices. Since not every neuron in a network is an equal player in information processing, we investigate ways to identify the key players and target them for information input. In this, we consider factors such as connectivity, hubness, morphology, signal waveform, and the role played by the type of stimulation (electrical, optical, or mechanical).

Last Modified: 13.10.2024