Andreas Petzold

Prof. Dr. Andreas Petzold

Senior Scientist

Head of department "Global Observation"

Research Topics

• Open data in science, • Global and long-term observation of atmospheric composition by instrumented passenger aircraft as observation platforms, • Water vapour – cirrus cloud interaction from global observations, • Spatio-temporal variability and processsing of tropospheric aerosol, • UTLS aerosol and its role in the climate system, • Aerosol optical properties, the aerosol absorption coefficient, black carbon and mineral dust, • Development of methods for measuring aerosol optical properties at multiple wavelengths


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)

Troposphere (ICE-3)

Building 05.2 / Room 3048

About me

I am an atmospheric scientist with longstanding experience in the measurement of climate-relevant gaseous species and aerosol properties across the troposphere in various environments. Today, I am heading the Research Group for Global Observation at the Institute of Climate and Energy Systems – Troposphere (ICE-3) of Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, and I am lecturing as Professor for Atmospheric Physics at the University of Wuppertal. Furthermore, I serve as a member of the Scientific Advisory Group Aerosols of the Global Atmosphere Watch programme of WMO.

One of my primary tasks is the coordination of the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS (, jointly with colleagues from France and the U.K. As a convinced supporter of the concept of research infrastructures, I am contributing to the Community of the European Environmental Research Infrastructures ENVRI and coordinated the EU Project ENVRI-FAIR ( which connects the cluster of ENVRIs to the European Open Science Cloud.

Last Modified: 19.07.2024