Pavel Saviankou

Dr. Pavel Saviankou

Research staff in devision "Application Support"

Areas of expertise

Parallel Programming, HPC, Automatic Performance Analysis, C/C++, C++11, OpenMP, MPI, Qt, Scalasca, Score-P, CUBE


+49 2461/61-1866



Team: ATML Parallel Performance



Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)

Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Building 16.3 / Room R 223b

You can find us here

About me

Pavel Saviankou started in FZ as diplom student of Ruhr-University Bochum and worked on his diploma thesis "Anwendung der chiralen Dreiteilchenkraft auf die Berechnung der Grundzustandseigenschaften von Kerne". Later he deepened his expertise in this fied with his PhD thesis "Anwendung effektiver Feldtheorie auf Kernmaterie und Neutronenmaterie". During work on the PhD thesis he learned fascination of HPC and of the massive parallel computation and decided to change the working field.

Starting from 2009 he is member of "ATML Parallel Performance" group of Dr-Ing. Bernd Mohr at JSC and is working on design, developmend and support of Cube software framework.

His free time he uses to experience fascination of the sea on sailing yachts or to explore magnificent mountains while hiking and climbing or simply rides bikes with friends.

Last Modified: 12.10.2023