Scientific career
1979-85 Diploma in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bonn
1985-90 PhD in Theoretical Biology and Biotechnology, University of Bonn
1990-96 PostDoc at the Institute of Biotechnology, Forschungszentrum Jülich
1995 Habilitation in Theoretical Biology, University of Bonn
1996-02 C3 professor for Simulation, University of Siegen
2002-09 C4 professor for Simulation and Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering, University of Siegen
2006 Guest professor, ETH Zürich
since 2009 Director at IBG-1, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2009-11 Professor for Systems Biology, University of Düsseldorf
since 2011 Professor for Computational Systems Biology, RWTH Aachen University
Awards and honours
1978 Winner German National Mathematics Competition (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik)
1979-85 Stipend German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung)
2001 C4 call, University of Tübingen (declined)
2003 Bellman Award of the Journal „Mathematical Biosciences“
2008 DECHEMA-Award of the Max-Buchner-Foundation
2012 Selected as a member of the German national academy of technical sciences (acatech)
Selected board memberships and activities in scientific societies
1998-2008 Spokesman FOMAAS Research Center, University of Siegen (modeling, analysis, simulation, and optimization of complex systems)
2001-2008 Board Member ASIM Simulation Society
2002-2008 2nd Spokesman „International Postgraduate Programme Multi Sensorics“ at University of Siegen
2007-2020 Chairman DECHEMA special interest group „Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology“
2012-2020 Member Steering Committee „Molecular Science & Engineering“ (MSE), RWTH Aachen
2014-2019 Member Executive Board of the Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSC GD)
2014-2017 Representative of Helmholtz Association in the national Coordination Committee Biotechnology 2020+ (BMBF)
2014 Coordinator Helmholtz strategy project "Molecular Interaction Engineering" (MIE) in the BMBF strategy process 2020+
2014 Coach of the RWTH Aachen iGEM Team
since 2017 Director of JARA Center for Simulation and Data Sciences (JARA-CSD), Competence Center of RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich
since 2019 Spokesman Helmholtz Information & Data Science School HDS-LEE
since 2019 Steering committee member Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA)
since 2022 Steering committee member Center for Computational Life Sciences RWTH Aachen