Sino-German Workshop in Jülich

On 26-28 May 2015, IEK-4 organised for the first time in Jülich the meeting of the Chinese (ASIPP, universities) and German fusion research partners (FZJ, IPP) in the framework of the Sino-German Helmholtz Science Centre. The main focus of the meeting was on plasma-wall interactions, plasma-edge physics and material development and qualification. 18 participants from China, 6 participants from IPP Garching and 20 participants from FZJ took part and discussed over three days recent developments in EAST, linear devices and plasma-facing component qualification, as well as results of joint projects such as laser-based diagnostics and material migration modelling.

Teilnehmer des Sino-German Workshops im IEK-4
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Participants of the Sino-German Workshop at Jülich.


Last Modified: 09.03.2022