Taiwan’s Highest Scientific Accolade Goes to Rainer Waser

Prof. Dr. Rainer Waser

Prof. Rainer Waser, Director of the department of Electronic Materials at the Peter Grünberg Institute, is to be awarded the Tsungming-Tu Prize by the National Science Council in Taiwan. Endowed with prize money of US$75,000, the award is the highest academic distinction which can be bestowed on non-Taiwanese citizens. Since 2007, the prize has been used to honour outstanding accomplishments in all areas of science and also serves to initiate further joint research projects. The award ceremony for the Jülich scientist will take place on 17 April 2015 in Taipei.

Waser and his group conduct in-depth research to better understand electronic phenomena at the Peter Grünberg Institute and at RWTH Aachen, which could be used to develop novel data storage, logic chips or in energy conversion, such as in redox-based ReRAM cells, for example. The physical chemist and his team work closely together with companies such as Intel and Samsung Electronics and are considered as pioneers in the area of redox-based resistive switching elements. Last year, Waser received the Leibniz Prize, regarded as Germany’s most prestigious research prize.

More on resistive memory research

Press Release “Rainer Waser Among Winners of 2014 Leibniz Prize” (in German)

Last Modified: 26.02.2022