Roudy Hanna wins awards at Falling Walls Lab Rhineland 2021

Bonn, 8. September 2021

Roudy Hanna, master student at the Peter Grünberg Institute 9 (PGI-9 Semiconductor Nanoelectronics), won second place at the Falling Walls Lab Rhineland 2021 in Bonn and also won the audience award. The annual competition is aimed at master's students, doctoral students and postdocs from all disciplines. The participants have 3 minutes to convince the top-class jury of their "Breaking the Wall" idea and present how humanity benefits from it.

Roudy received the two awards for his talk "Breaking the Wall of Quantum Computing Hardware".

If you missed the talk, you can watch it again here (from min. 7).

Preise beim Falling Walls Lab Rhineland 2021 für Roudy Hanna
Roudy Hanna (left) won second place and the crowd favorite award at the Falling Walls Lab 2021 at the University of Bonn.
University of Bonn

Roudy Hanna on the Falling Walls Lab Rhineland 2021:

I am very honored to have taken the 2nd Place and the Audience Favorite award at this year’s Falling Walls Foundation Lab Rhineland in The University of Bonn. It has been a fun challenge preparing this 3 min pitch-talk on an extremely difficult research subject for a broad audience. I very much enjoyed meeting great people from various backgrounds with very creative ideas that will positively impact humanity. Finally, I would like to wish Christoph Lotz (second from right) all the best for the final round in Berlin.

Falling Walls:
Bonn University:

Last Modified: 16.08.2022