Thorsten Auth

Dr. Thorsten Auth

Scientific Staff

Biological Physics, Active Matter, Soft Condensed Matter


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)

Theoretische Physik der Lebenden Materie (IAS-2)

Gebäude 04.16 / Raum 2012

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Warum und woran ich forsche

I use physics to study biological cells, the basic building blocks of life. On the one hand, I predict the interaction of lipid-bilayer membranes - the communication interfaces between cells and their environment - with nano- and microstructures. On the other hand, I use high-performance computing to simulate active matter confined by membranes. Here, I employ generic models to understand concepts for the non-equilibrium physics essential for life, e.g., metabolically-driven processes in the cytoskeleton.

Letzte Änderung: 14.06.2024