Hendrik Fuchs

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Fuchs

Acting Director of ICE-3

Acting Director of ICE-3: Troposphere, Head of Group "Photochemistry and Radicals" at ICE-3: Troposphere, Professor for experimental physics at University of Cologne


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)

Troposphere (ICE-3)

Building 05.2 / Room 3022

You can find us here

My research interests

My research focuses on the experimental study of atmospheric radical chemistry which plays a key role in air quality by removing pollutants from the atmosphere, but also affects our climate. We are currently facing major changes in air composition due to the energy transition, and I want to understand the consequences. Working together with people from different disciplines, developing new instruments to be able to observe of smallest amounts of trace gases and contributing to a better understanding of how we can improve air quality and mitigate climate warming is what motivates me to do research. I enjoy lecturing at the University of Cologne and see this as a great opportunity to get students excited about atmospheric science.

Last Modified: 21.01.2025