Recent publications: |
[1] Active learning-assisted neutron spectroscopy with log-Gaussian processes, Teixeira Parente, M. et al., Nat Commun 14 (2023), 2246 [2] Benchmarking Autonomous Scattering Experiments Illustrated on TAS, Teixeira Parente, M. et al., Front. Mater. 8 (2022), 772014 [3] Amortized Bayesian Inference of GISAXS Data with Normalizing Flows, Zhdanov, M.,, NeurIPS2022 (2022), arXiv.2210.01543 [4] Deep learning for x-ray or neutron scattering under grazing-incidence: extraction of distributions, Van Herck, W., et. al., Mater. Res. Express 8 (2021), 045015 [5] Understanding near-surface polymer dynamics by a combination of grazing-incidence neutron scattering and virtual experiments, Kyrey, T. et. al., Journal of Applied Crystallography 54 (2021) , 72-29 |
Awards: Helmholtz AI best paper award 2023 |
Member of the SAGA Board |

Dr. Marina Ganeva
Head of JCNS Neutron SimLab
Active learning, AI-assisted neutron/x-ray scattering data analysis, autonomous experiments
+49 89/158860-656
+49 89/158860-799
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
Neutronenmethoden (JCNS-4)
Gebäude Garching-UYM / Raum 03.59
Letzte Änderung: 09.12.2024