Research / Work experience
Since 2017 - Staff scientist and group leader at the Ernst Ruska-Centre (ER-C-2) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
1990 - 2017 staff scientist and group leader at the Institute of Thin Films and Interfaces, now Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, responsible for metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy and characterization of semiconductor structures for device applications.
1996 visiting scientist at the Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Berlin
1988-1990 post doc position at Institute of Thin films and Ion Technology, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
1988-1989 visiting scientist at the Institute of Semiconductor Technology, RWTH Aachen
1983-1988 research scientist at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen
Honors and Committees
- Gaede Award of the German Vacuum Society (1997)
- Editor in Chief of “Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials” (Elsevier, reviews upon invitation, since 2014)
- Elected by the board of directors Research Center Juelich for the 2 year program “Career Building for Women in Science” (2000)
Program Committees:
EW-MOVPE (since 1998), IC-MOVPE (since 2002), Organization of the 15th EWMOVPE, June 2-5, 2013 in Aachen
Journal Reviewing Responsibilities:
Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Crystal Growth, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Journal of Electronic Materials, Physical Status Solidi, Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, Thin Solid Films, NanoLetters, ACS Nano, Nature, Nanotechnology
Research proposal reviewing responsibilities:
DFG; Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU); US DoE, Office of Science; ANR (France); FWF Austria; SRDA (Slovakia), TA CR (Czech Republic)
External PhD defense committees:
KTH, Stockholm, Sweden; Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland; Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Alagappa University India
Member of the committee for internal suggestions for improvement at the FZJ