Bernd Hoffmann

Dr. Bernd Hoffmann

Senior Scientist and Group Leader


Mechanobiology, Mechanosensitivity of mammalian cells, Cytoskeleton, Transfection systems, RNA and RNA secondary structures, Cellular forces


+49 2461/61-6734

+49 2461/61-3907


ORCID ID 0000-0002-3803-8835


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institut für Biologische Informationsprozesse (IBI)

Mechanobiologie (IBI-2)

Gebäude 02.11 / Raum 119

Manipulating mammalian cells: how mechanical and targeted RNA signals can steer cell function

Every cell in our body is constantly exposed to a tremendous set of various signals. These signals are essential to maintain cell function, tissue integrity but also to allow constant adaptation to environmental changes. Beside elasticity, strain is one of the most common mechanical signals and is transmitted to cells in different amplitudes and frequencies, for example through heart function, respiration and muscle movement. I am interested in how these types of mechanical stimuli are recognised by cells and translated into signalling cascades to induce a cellular response. At the same time, we use both, mechanical stimuli and genetic signals to induce specific functions and responses in cells. On the genetic signal level, we have developed so-called selectively expressed RNA molecules for that purpose that allow us to develop targeted RNA-based therapies against diseases.

Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2024