Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Thiemo Pesch studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with a focus on Electrical Power Engineering at RWTH Aachen University and Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. In addition, he completed the diploma programme Management, Business and Economics at RWTH Aachen University. Afterwards, he wrote his doctoral thesis, supervised at RWTH Aachen University, on the subject of “Multiscale Modelling of Integrated Energy and Electricity Systems” at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE) at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The focus of the work was on the development of high-resolution models for the European electricity market and the German transmission grid as well as their coupling with a holistic energy system model. During this time, he managed various projects, e.g. the part of the Forschungszentrum Jülich for the joint project "Virtual Institute for Power to Gas and Heat" on behalf of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia. Since 2019, he has been working at the Institute for Energy and Climate Research – Energy Systems Engineering (ICE-1) of Forschungszentrum Jülich, where he is the head of the Energy Grids department since end of 2020. In early 2021, he was also appointed to the core team of the Helmholtz Energy Transition Roadmap. Since 2022, he is also head of the High Performance Computing department.
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Thiemo Pesch
Head of Department
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich
Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
Energiesystemtechnik (ICE-1)
Gebäude 10.21 / Raum 4012
Letzte Änderung: 01.08.2024