Matteo Rizzi

Prof. Dr. Matteo Rizzi

Division Leader at PGI-8

Research Topics

Quantum simulations, Ultracold atoms in optical lattices, Josephson-Junction Arrays, Topological phases of matter, Tensor Networks


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI)

Quantum Control (PGI-8)

Building 05.3 / Room 276

About me

Professor of Theoretical Physics at Uni Cologne;

Leader of the Division "Numerical Analysis of Synthetic Quantum Matter" at PGI-8;

Specialist in numerical methods for quantum many-body systems, quantum simulation platforms (cold atoms and Josephson junction arrays) and topological states of matter;

Passionate triathlete (KTT 01) and football-fan (Novara FC) :-)

Last Modified: 20.12.2024