Prof. Dr. Anna Sieben
Head of the division
Pedestrian Dynamics - Social Psychology
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
Zivile Sicherheitsforschung (IAS-7)
Gebäude 09.7 / Raum 217
Research Profile
- Dynamic changes of social norms and behavioral repertoires in crowds
- Relationship between density and stress in crowded situations
- Modelling motivation in pedestrian dynamics
- Human experiences and behavior in life-threatening crowd situations
- Communication and coordination between crowd members; propagation of information and emotions
- Parenting, cultural transformations of parents’ knowledge Methods
- Experiments with large groups and crowds
- Qualitative interviews
- Field observations
- Qualitative and quantitative behavioral observation methods
- Computer modelling (in cooperation with computer scientists)
- „Fatherhood and Parenting Involvement among Unemployed Men: Comparing Turkish Fathers in Germany and Turkey”, DAAD, Januar 2023 – Dezember 2024
- „Kulturelle Transformationen und populärwissenschaftliche Adaptationen psychologischen Wissens durch Eltern in der Türkei. Eine qualitative Studie“, DFG, Oktober 2019 – März 2023
- „CroMa. Crowd-Management in Verkehrsinfrastrukturen“, BMBF, August 2018 – Dezember 2022
- Forschungsprojekt „Kulturelle Räume psychologischen Wissen. Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen aus der Perspektive deutscher und türkischer Eltern“, Stiftung Mercator, April 2017 – Juli 2018
Previous positions
- 2022-2024: Associate Professor of Cultural and Social Psychology, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
- 2022: Habilitation, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 2019-2022: IAS-7, Forschungszentrum Jülich
- 2013: PhD, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 2008-2022: Ruhr-University Bochum
- 2007-2008: Master in Gender & Culture, Goldsmiths College, London
- 2002-2007: Diploma in Psychology, University of Freiburg & Cologne
Publication highlights
- Beermann, M. & Sieben, A. (2023). The Connection between Stress, Density, and Speed in Crowds. Scientific Reports, 13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39006-8
- Üsten E. & Sieben, A. (2023). Don’t stop me now: Psychological effects of interrupting a moving pedestrian crowd and a video game. Plos One, 18(7): e0287583. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0287583
- Konya, K. & Sieben, A. (2023). Waiting and walking with strangers: a socio-psychological pedestrian experiment on joint action in anonymous situations. Royal Society Open Science. doi.org/10.1098/rsos.221601.
- Sieben, A. & Seyfried, A. (2023). Inside a life-threatening crowd: Analysis of the Love Parade disaster from the perspective of eyewitnesses. Safety Science, 166, doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106229.
- Lügering, H., Tepeli, D., Sieben, A. (2023). It’s (not) just a matter of terminology: Everyday understanding of “mass panic” and alternative terms. Safety Science, 163, doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2023.106123.
- Kapısız, Z., & Sieben, A. (2022). Mothers’ ethnotheories of sibling relationships: A qualitative study in Turkey. Culture & Psychology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/1354067X221132002
- Sieben, A. (2021). Longing for interdependence, aspiring to independence: A qualitative study on parenting in Germany. Families, Relationships and Societies, fast track article, 1–17, DOI: 10.1332/204674321X16357654718440.
Publications: click here
Letzte Änderung: 31.01.2025