I joined the Big Data Analytics Group at Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Structural and functional organisation of the brain (INM-1) as a scientific coordinator in February 2018.
Before I was a postdoctoral researcher and teaching assistant at the Photogrammetry and Robotics Lab at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn. From Oktober 2015 to February 2018 I was managing the genesis of a new Master program at IGG, entitled Geodetic Engineering, which has been started in October 2017.
I finished my PhD in 2016 entitled “High-Level Facade Image Interpretation using Marked Point Processes” supervised by Wolfgang Förstner at University of Bonn. I studied Geodesy at the Technical University of Berlin and University of Bonn. Before studying, I passed the professional training for surveying technician at the Berlin Senate of Urban Development, Department for Geodesy and Geoinformation and worked there as a technical assistant.
In my research I dealt with semantic image interpretation focusing on the combination of bottom-up image interpretation and high-level image interpretation methods from top-down, in particular pattern recognition and image interpretation, machine learning, Markov marked point processes, hierarchical image features, as well as symmetries and repeated structures in images.