- Application performance engineering & tools support for JSC HPC systems (since 2004): JUPP (Cray XD1), JUMP (IBM P6), JUBL (IBM BG/L), JUICE (IBM Cell), JUGENE (IBM BG/P), JULI (IBM PPC), JUROPA (Intel NEH), JUDGE (IBM/Nvidia M2050), JUQUEEN (IBM BG/Q), JURECA (Intel/Nvidia HSW+KNL+K80), JURON (IBM/Nvidia Power8+P100), JUSUF (AMD/Nvidia EPYC+V100), JUWELS-C (Intel SKX), JUWELS-B (AMD/Nvidia EPYC+A100), JURECA-DC (AMD/Nvidia EPYC+A100+MI250X), JUPITER (tbd :-)
- Co-responsible for Extreme-scaling workshops & High-Q Club of HPC application codes
- Co-initiator & Coordinator of Virtual Institute - High Productivity Supercomputing Tuning Workshop series
- Developer of Scalasca toolset for scalable performance analysis of large-scale parallel applications
- EU HPC Centre of Excellence Performance Optimisation & Productivity performance analyst & trainer
- JLESC developer tools for porting and tuning parallel applications on extreme-scale parallel systems project head
- RIKEN CCS Software Development Technology Unit visiting researcher supporting Kei computer (SPARC64) & Fugaku (A64FX)
- Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT) / ProTools workshop organiser (2014) and committee member
- SC Conference Technical Program committee member for Tutorials3, BoFs & Workshops
- Students@SC mentor & UNWomen HeForShe equalizer & Women in HPC advocate
- SC22 Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase chair
2000/09 - 2004/02: Member of Technical Staff (Solaris Software: Compilers & Tools), Sun Microsystems, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
- Co-developed the Developer Studio Performance Analyzer for Solaris/SPARC
1997/09 - 2000/08: Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM), Madison, Wisconsin, USA
1993/08 - 1997/08: Scientific Researcher, Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS), Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
- Co-developed the Annai tools for NEC Cenju-2 MPP in collaboration with NEC Corporation, which became incorporated in Ftrace product
1990/11 - 1993/07: Application Specialist, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), Edinburgh, Scotland
- Co-developed first version of PARAMICS microscopic traffic simulator for Thinking Machines CM-200 which subsequently won the 1994 Scottish Strategic IT Award for technology transfer and 1995 Computerworld Smithsonian IT Award 1995 and became the foundation of a successful spin-off company