First Fusion Retreat of IEK-4

From February 23-26, 2015 the first Fusion retreat of the IEK-4 took place at the Wasserburg Rindern near Kleve. In total 66 participants of the IEK-4 and IEK-2 attended the meeting which was aiming to monitor the activities and future plans of our scientific workprogramme in the fields of 'Advanced Materials', 'Plasma Material Interactions', 'Surface Physics and Retention', 'Divertor Physics and Recycling', '3D Edge Physics and Stellarator Physics' and 'Fusion Technology'.

There were 52 presentations and lively discussions offering all attending scientific-technical staff the opportunity to present their projects and ideas and to inform themselves of the activities in all our research fields. After the decommissioning of the Jülich fusion experiment TEXTOR and the appointment of Prof. Dr. Christian Linsmeier as second director of IEK-4 the thematic focus has been realigned with particular emphasis on material science related issues. Against this background the Fusion retreat as a forum for interdisciplinary discussions became particularly important as an excellent opportunity to optimize existing ressources and competencies in the light of the new topical orientation.
The presentations were spread over six sessions, and on the final day a summary of the plans and activities was given in a closing session. Between the presentations there was plenty of time for discussions actively used by the participants. Moreover, the nice atmosphere of the Wasserburg Rindern offered plenty opportunities for further discussions among the colleagues.
Already in the summary session a positive response on the meeting was received. Besides the clear overview on the projects, it has been appreciated that several possibilities for bundling ressources and co-operations were identified.

Teilnehmer der Fusionsklausur des IEK-4
Forschungszentrum Jülich

The participants in the first Fusion Retreat of IEK-4 at Wasserburg Rindern.


Last Modified: 09.03.2022