Effects of societal change on the level and profile of sectoral electricity demand and their importance in coupling energy models with different temporal resolution (GENESE)

In the joint project Genese, a systematic characterization of different aspects of societal change, the recording of the effects of change on electricity demand, a detailed modeling of the change in demand profiles and the evaluation of these profiles via the integration into energy system models with low temporal resolution as well as electricity market models with high temporal resolution is carried out. The CIB-Lab analyzes aspects of societal change and creates consistent, cross-sectoral driver constellations for demand change with the CIB, which act as a starting point as well as a link between the models.

October 2022 to September 2025

Funded by
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) within the 7th energy research program of the federal government, technology oriented systems analysis

Project Partners
Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies, University of Stuttgart (Project Leader)
Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use, University Stuttgart
German Aerospace Center, Institute of Networked Energy Systems

Project Manager IEK-STE
Dr. rer. pol. Stefan Vögele

will follow

Dr. Stefan Vögele
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Institute of Energy and Climate Research
Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEK-STE)
e-mail: s.voegele@fz-juelich.de

Project Website
coming soon

Last Modified: 16.01.2023