CompMag 2010

Computational Magnetism 2010

Workshop on Computational Magnetism and Spintronics

May 10th - 12th 2010
Bonn, Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (


Spintronics, magnetoelectronics and magnetism continue to be very creative, innovative and active research themes in condensed matter physics. The spin-Hall effect, the concept of topological matter, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in inversion-symmetry broken solids, the magnetoelectric coupling, the spin-transfer torque, magnetic skyrmion lattices, LDA-DMFT for magnetic susceptibilities, multiferroicity at oxide interfaces and heterostructures are issues of a vital scientific importance which emerged in the past 5 years. These fields are progressing very fast and continue branching into increasingly wider areas of condensed matter: these involve the strongly correlated electron systems, to multiferroic oxides, oxide junctions, oxides and semiconductors in terms of diluted magnetic semiconductors, to organic and inorganic molecules in terms of molecular magnets, to carbon nanotubes in the field of nano-spintronics or even to ferroelectric materials in terms of multiferroics.

It is widely recognized that first-principles calculations on magnetic materials can give important clues in understanding properties and behavior of different materials and can have a remarkable impact both from the basic as well as from the technological point of view. However, within the rich and vivid field of magnetism, there are few opportunities within the ab-initio community to discuss issues such as accuracy and limits of density functional theory for novel magnetic materials, method development, specific computational issues, etc. In this conference we thus attempt to bring together people working on various issues of computational magnetism. This year, we concentrate especially on such patches of magnetism as:

  • spin-orbit phenomena related to symmetry breaking at surfaces and interfaces (skyrmion lattices, Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction, topological states)
  • magneto-electric coupling
  • spin-transport phenomena (spin-Hall effect, spin-scattering, spin torque, orbital and spin currents), Berry phase concepts and linear response transport
  • q- and frequency-dependent susceptibilities from time-dependent perturbation theory, many body effects and exchange functionals beyond conventional LDA and GGA


The workshop is organized in 10 sessions and one poster session. Each session is divided in 2 invited talks (30 + 10 min) plus 1 contributed talk (15 + 5 min).


Expected Number of Participants: 60

Number of Days: 3.0


Typical magnetic break-junction transport setup.
University of Kiel and Forschungszentrum Jülich
Spin-spiral state in a two-dimentional lattice.
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Last Modified: 07.04.2022