Brochures and Reports

Brochures and Reports
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JARA-FIT-Annual_Report_2017 (PDF, 7 MB)

The scientists involved in JARA-FIT (Fundamentals of Future Information Technology) hope to push back the frontiers of conventional silicon technology determined by the atomic structure of matter and quantum phenomena by designing new chip architectures and increasing the mobility of charge carriers. Their work also explores other concepts based on alternative technologies for the future production of efficient and energy-saving hardware.

The researchers are thus developing new materials and blueprints for nanocircuits, non-volatile memories, and spintronics. In addition, they are investigating how biomolecules and quantum effects can be used for information processing. The annual reports of the Section JARA-FIT provide an overview of the various and interesting activities, such as events, awards and research results of the respective year.

The annual reports also contain an up-to-date list of members and institutes. All available reports can be found on the JARA-Homepage.

Brochures and Reports
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Future Information Technology Status Report 2013-2017 (PDF, 9 MB)

From 2015 – 2019, the research of the Peter Grünberg Institute was defined mainly within the programme "Future Information Technology" (FIT), within the Helmholtz research area “Key Technology”.

More detailed information about our institute, research programme, our scientific-technical infrastructure, as well as selected highlights from 2013 through to 2017 and other topics of interest can be found in the “Status Report 2013 – 2017, Volume I – Part IV".

Older institute and programme reviews from 1998 onwards can be found here.

Brochures and Reports

Peter Grünberg Nobelpreis für Physik 2007 (PDF, 3 MB)

Extract from the foreword: "The year 2007 was a particularly important year for Forschungszentrum Jülich and Prof. Peter Grünberg. With this book, we not only want to honour Grünberg but also to thank him for his discoveries, which he made here in Jülich. What was to become known as the giant magnetoresistance effect (GMR effect) was discovered by Grünberg in 1988 within the framework of basic research on magnetism. A read head for hard disk drives based on this discovery quickly conquered the world of industrial applications. Since 1997, the GMR effect has been used almost exclusively to read out information stored magnetically on hard drives. With more than five billion read heads produced to date, statistically there is one GMR sensor for almost every member of the human race."
Contents: Visiting Peter Grünberg; From Basic Research to a Great Variety of Applications; The Lab Notebook - Looking back to 1985; Awards, Honours, CV; Forschungszentrum Jülich and JuLab

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Last Modified: 16.08.2024