Launch of a New Series of Seminars: "Jülich Quantum Computing Seminar"

23 April 2021

The PGI Science Office has started a new series of seminars: the "Jülich Quantum Computing Seminar" will take place every fortnight (in odd-numbered calendar weeks) on Tuesdays at 15:00 via videoconference and is intended to promote cooperation between the working groups conducting research in the field of quantum computing and quantum information at various institutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich. In addition, the format offers students and postdocs an opportunity to present their work to a wider specialist audience.

Institutes at the Peter Grünberg Institute, the Jülich Supercomputing Centre and the Central Institute for Engineering, Electronics and Analytics - Systems of Electronics are participating. Dr Daniel Zeuch from the PGI Science Office will organize the seminar dates.

Below is the access data for all the seminars:


Meeting ID: 813 1452 6642

Passcode: 01

The first lecture will take place on 27 April at 15:00.

Announcements for all the seminars are available via the mailing list "Qubit", to which you can subscribe using the following URL:

The presentations are scheduled to last 30 minutes each, plus 15 minutes for questions and discussions. The presentations, but not the discussions, will be recorded and will be available for a limited time. If you are interested in the recordings, or if you would like to propose further lectures, please contact Daniel Zeuch.


Daniel Zeuch


+49 2461 61-6460


Last Modified: 20.09.2023