Best Oral Presentation Award for Johannes Hellwig (PGI-7)

At the Memrisys conference in Turin, Johannes Hellwig (PGI-7) was honored with the Best Oral Presentation Award for his presentation Resolving the Physical Origin of LRS Relaxation in Valence Change Memory. Johannes Hellwig is a doctoral student at PGI 7 and conducts research as part of the "Memristive time-difference decoder" project in the DFG Priority Program 2262 "Memristec" and in the Neurotec II structural change project. His primary research goals, the further deepening of valence change memory (VCM) cells, the development of volatile VCM cells for neuromorphic applications as well as the combination of elementary device physics and neuromorphic applications, contribute to both projects.
Resolving the Physical Origin of LRS Relaxation in Valence Change Memory
Johannes Hellwig*1, Carsten Funck1, Hugh Greatorex2,3, Elisabetta Chicca2,3, Regina Dittmann1
1 Peter-Grünberg-Institute (PGI 7), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
2 Bio-Inspired Circuits and Systems (BICS) Lab, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of
Groningen, Netherlands
3 Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center (CogniGron), University of Groningen, Netherlands
In Neuromorphic computing systems, e.g. event-based sensing circuits [1], volatile memristive devices may be utilized to determine the time correlation between inputs. Here, the time constant of the device determines in which time domain the system can operate. So far, in common CMOS-based event-based sensing circuits a capacitor limits the time domain to milliseconds. Showing decays in the second regime, a volatile memristive device may extend the field of operation. Promising candidates are valance change mechanism (VCM) devices, where time constants can be engineered [2]. The decay is not yet well understood, and a physical decay model has not yet been reported. However, incorporating these devices into a circuit, a model is crucial.
Here, we present an evaluation of the VCM-decay process of the low-resistive state (LRS) with respect to its time constants using a crystalline Pt/SrTiO3/Nb:SrTiO3 device as model-system. This model system is well understood, and its material parameters are well known [3], [4]. The decay in shows at least two time constants, a sharp drop in current in the millisecond-range moving into a long-term relaxation up to 50 s. By applying the Schottky-Read-Hall model and concepts of the Gibb’s free energy to our measurements, we demonstrate that the observed short and long time constants can best be attributed to ionic migration near the Pt/SrTiO3 and to the oxygen exchange at this interface. We propose an ionic model, which aims to clarify confusion around the relaxation mechanism, and may be used as a tool for developing guidelines and design rules for future volatile memristive technology. We demonstrate experimentally the possible application of SrTiO3-based devices in event-based sensing for different time domains.
[1] M. B. Milde et al. Neural Computation, 30, 2384-2417 (2018).
[2] Xiong et al. Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1807316/1- (2019).
[3] D. Cooper et al. Advanced Materials, 29, 1700212 (2017).
[4] C. Baeumer et al. Nanoscale, 8, 13967-13975 (2016).