Elisa Senger

Dr. Elisa Senger

Post-doctoral researcher


Omics- and data analysis, data management, bioinformatics, bioeconomy, plant research, plant breeding, abiotic stress, phenotyping, gene expression analysis; Omics- und Datenanalyse, Datenmanagement, Bioinformatik, Bioökonomie, Pflanzenforschung, Pflanzenzüchtung, abiotischer Stress, Phänotypisierung, Genexpressionsstudien


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich

Institut für Bio- und Geowissenschaften (IBG)

Bioinformatik (IBG-4)

Gebäude 06.5 / Raum 2004a

Warum und woran ich forsche

The IBG-4 (Bioinformatics) division of the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences develops and applies methods and algorithms to achieve a fundamental understanding of high-dimensional data and processes in the bioeconomy/life sciences and to understand, predict and optimize the biological functions of molecules, genes and enzymes for breeding and for industrial and pharmaceutical applications, also on the basis of their structures. IBG-4 has a focus on omics/data-based bioinformatics on plant data storage, the evaluation of new genome analysis methods, and the integration, interpretation, and visualization of high-dimensional omics data from the field of bioeconomy and plant science. More information here

I am a plant breeder and researcher with a major interest in the bioeconomic utilization of plants for production of food or raw materials. My current activity focusses on the management of the data that is generated within the EU-H2020 funded project BreedingValue. I compile all the project data and perform broader data analysis across work packages, in particular combining different data types and omics. I help the consortium members answering research questions related to plant’s environmental responses, identify outstanding characteristics of accessions or elucidate the metabolic or genetic background of sensory attributes. As a positive side-effect, I like to support partners in implementing novel data management and analysis approaches within their working groups.

Letzte Änderung: 09.01.2025