Atomic resolution imaging of YAlO_3:Ce in the PICO microscope

May 2017

by Lei Jin, Juri Barthel, Chunlin Jia and Knut W. Urban


The application of combined chromatic and spherical aberration correction in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy enables a significant improvement of the spatial resolution down to 50 pm.

We demonstrate that such a resolution can be achieved in practice at 200 kV. Diffractograms of images of gold nanoparticles on amorphous carbon demonstrate corresponding information transfer. The Y atom pairs in [010] oriented yttrium orthoaluminate are successfully imaged together with the Al and the O atoms.

Although the 57 pm pair separation is well demonstrated separations between 55 pm and 80 pm are measured. This observation is tentatively attributed to structural relaxations and surface reconstruction in the very thin samples used. Quantification of the resolution limiting effective image spread is achieved based on an absolute match between experimental and simulated image intensity distributions.

Further reading:

Lei Jin, Juri Barthel, Chunlin Jia and Knut W. Urban:
Atomic resolution imaging of YAlO_3:Ce in the chromatic and spherical aberration corrected PICO electron microscope
Ultramicroscopy 176 (2017) 99-107.

Last Modified: 14.03.2022