On the influence of the electron dose rate on the HRTEM image contrast

May 2017

by Juri Barthel, Markus Lentzen and Andreas Thust


We investigate a possible dependence between the applied electron dose-rate and the magnitude of the resulting image contrast in HRTEM of inorganic crystalline objects.

The present study is focussed on the question whether electron irradiation can induce excessively strong atom vibrations or displacements, which in turn could significantly reduce the resulting image contrast.

For this purpose, high-resolution images of MgO, Ge, and Au samples were acquired with varying dose rates using a CS-corrected FEI Titan 80–300 microscope operated at 300 kV accelerating voltage. This investigation shows that the magnitude of the signal contrast is independent from the dose rates occurring in conventional HRTEM experiments and that excessively strong vibrations or displacements of bulk atoms are not induced by the applied electron irradiation.

Further reading:

Juri Barthel, Markus Lentzen and Andreas Thust:
On the influence of the electron dose rate on the HRTEM image contrast,
Ultramicroscopy 176 (2017) 37-45.

Last Modified: 14.03.2022