Magnetisation mapping of Bloch-type skyrmions in FeGe

November 2017

by András Kovács, Jan Caron, Andrii S Savchenko, Nikolai S. Kiselev, Kiyou Shibata, Zi-An Li, Naoya Kanazawa, Yoshinori Tokura, Stefan Blügel, and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski


Bloch-type magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale vortex-like spin objects that form densely packed lattice arrangements in B20-type chiral magnets in the presence of a magnetic field. In the present study off-axis electron holography was used, in combination with an iterative model-based reconstruction algorithm, to study the geometries of the projected in-plane magnetisation distributions of individual skyrmions in an FeGe thin film as a function of applied magnetic field. Results have been compared with micromagnetic simulations and a departure from magnetic chirality in the transition regions between adjacent skyrmions is found when they are in lattice arrangements.

Further reading:

András Kovács, Jan Caron, Andrii S Savchenko, Nikolai S. Kiselev, Kiyou Shibata, Zi-An Li, Naoya Kanazawa, Yoshinori Tokura, Stefan Blügel, and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski:
Mapping the magnetisation fine structure of a lattice of Bloch-type skyrmions in an FeGe thin film, Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017) 192410.

Last Modified: 14.03.2022