
January 2023 to December 2024



Simulations for Safety at Major Events

In the follow-up project to SISAME, the fusion of the simulation tools SUMO and JuPedSim is to be completed and a real major event will be simulated with this coupled tool. The topic of the holistic consideration of urban traffic and pedestrian movement has only taken up a small part of the previous SISAME seminars and are expanded ("last mile" problem). For this purpose, realistic simulation examples will be transferred into teaching material for the pilot seminars and will be used to impart knowledge in an illustrative way. Measures regarding hostile vehicle mitigation are also being considered as a new aspect of the project. The coupled simulation tool is expanded to be able to examine the impact of these measures on urban traffic and the movement of the crowd. Based on this, newly conceived seminars for the police and others are evaluated.

Contact: Dr. Jette Schumann