Best Paper Awards of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Our colleague, Prof. Dr. Robert Vaßen, got the best paper award of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society for his manuscript “Unique performance of thermal barrier coatings made of yttria-stabilized zirconia at extreme temperatures (>1500°C)”. The prize was awarded to him at the MS&T conference, which took place from Oct 09 – 12, 2022 in Pittsburgh, USA.
Our former colleague, Dr. Tarini Prasad Mishra, got the best paper award of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society for his manuscript “Development of a processing map for safe flash sintering of Gadolinium‐doped Ceria”. The prize was awarded to him at the MS&T conference, which took place from Oct 09 – 12, 2022 in Pittsburgh, USA.
The following are the certificates for the Best Paper Award for Prof. Dr. Robert Vaßen and Dr. Tarini Prasad Mishra.
Last Modified: 29.06.2024