Publication in Advanced Energy Materials in frame of a German-American project

Publication “Oxide-Based Solid-State Batteries: A Perspective on Composite Cathode Architecture” by scientists from IEK-1 (Martin Finsterbusch, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing) and several US and German research institutions has been published in Advanced Energy Materials as Editor’s choice

A perspective on the architecture of composite cathodes in oxide-based solid-state batteries analyzes critical solid/solid interfaces and guides efforts to develop future ceramic garnet-based batteries.

This work was performed as part of the joint German-American project “Interfaces and Interphases in Rechargeable Li Based Batteries: Cathode/Solid Electrolyte (CatSE2)”, coordinated by IEK-1. The project combines complementary experimental, analytical and computational expertise from several research groups in the US (U. Maryland, U. Michigan, Argonne NL, Oak Ridge NL, Lawrence Livermore NL) and Germany (IEK-1, IEK-9, IEK-12, U. Giessen, DLR, ZSW, KIT and TU München) with the goal of understanding fundamental processes at the interfaces of solid electrolytes with cathode active materials in solid-state batteries.

Original publication:

Y. Ren, T. Danner, A. Moy, M. Finsterbusch, T. Hamann, J. Dippell, T. Fuchs, M. Müller, R. Hoft, A. Weber, L. A. Curtiss, P. Zapol, M. Klenk, A. T. Ngo, P. Barai, B. C. Wood, R. Shi, L. F. Wan, T. W. Heo, M. Engels, J. Nanda, F. H. Richter, A. Latz, V. Srinivasan, J. Janek, J. Sakamoto, E. D. Wachsman, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing.

Oxide-Based Solid-State Batteries: A Perspective on Composite Cathode Architecture

Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2201939

Last Modified: 29.06.2024