38th IFF Spring School

Probing the Nanoworld–Microscopies, Scattering and Spectroscopies of the Solid State

12 - 23 March 2007 . Jülich . Germany

The IFF Spring School 2007 will address both, advanced experimental techniques and theoretical fundamentals at a graduate student level. Introductory lectures will focus on the structural and electronic properties of the solid state in bulk and in reduced dimensions, and, thus, build the basis for the understanding of prime techniques and major methodical concepts. Supplementary lectures will address basic exitation mechanisms and the interaction of radiation with matter.

More specialized lectures will exemplify a multitude of techniques in electron microscopy, neutron and synchroton scattering in tandem with solid state related applications. Highlighting selected applications will lead the audience from basic methods to the frontiers of current research.


The topics of the lectures cover:

  • Scanning Probe Microscopy & Spectroscopy
  • Aberration Corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • Electron Holography & Tomography
  • Electron Energie Loss Spectroscopy
  • Photoemission Spectroscopy & Microscopy
  • Synchrotron Radiation & Neutron Scattering
  • X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy & Resonant Scattering
  • Magnetic Fluctuations & Lattice Exitations
  • Soft Matter Structure & Dynamics
Last Modified: 23.03.2022