Nanoelectronic Days 2015

JARA-FIT organized the Nanoelectronic Days 2015 devoted to green information technology.The Nanoelectronic Days, jointly initiated by Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, were held from
27. to 30. April 2015 in Jülich. International experts from science and industry exchanged views on the latest achievements and new approaches that can be used to reduce the amount of energy consumed by information technology. The digital revolution has led to rapid growth in data acquisition, traffic and processing and has led to increasing demands placed on energy consumption. In fact, products already consume more than 10% of the total electric power produced in the western world, making energy-efficient computing a key technology for the sustainable scaling of information technology performance.

The opening session featured presentations by world-class scientists from industry on the general issue of energy efficiency as the driver for future information technology. Heike Riel from IBM Research Rueschlikon in Switzerland, at the same time member of the supervisory board of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, gave an overview over “Semiconducting Nanowires – What are they good for in future Nanoelectronics” and Myron Flickner from IBM Research Almaden in the US gave insights into “TrueNorth: A Brain Inspired Supercomputer on a Chip”.

The Nanoelectronic Days covered a wide set of fields in the following sessions:
• Nanoswitches
• Nanowires
• Steep Slope Devices
• Hybrid Structures and New Materials
• Towards Zero Power Systems.

Each session started with invited talks followed by a set of short presentations accompanied by a poster session.
Invited talks were held by:

Klaus Kern (MPI Stuttgart)
Quantum Engineering of Metal-Organic Contacts

Lars Samuelson (Lund University, Sweden)
NANOWIRES - basic materials science creating real-world applications

Matthias Wuttig (RWTH Aachen University)
Unravelling the transformation kinetics in Phase Change Memories

Christoph Stampfer (RWTH Aachen University)
Road to large-scale high-mobility graphene

Alexander Zaslavsky (Brown Univ., USA)
CMOS-compatible alternative transistors: from tunneling to feedback

Henning Riechert (PDI Berlin)
New epitaxial rules for the growth of two-dimensionally bonded materials

Adrian M. Ionescu (Nanolab, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)
Energy efficient devices and technologies for functional diversification in future Cyber-Physical Systems

Lab tours were offered, in particular to the Helmholtz Nano¬electronic Facility and the newly estab¬lished Nanocluster comple¬mented the conference.

The Nanoelectronic Days attracted up to 200 scientists and found support by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Last Modified: 19.04.2023