Relativistic and Quantum Information
Relativistic Quantum Information is a broad apporach to topics at the intersection of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information and Quantum Field Theory. The idea behind this field is that quantum information protocols occurr in a world that is characterized by both quantum and relativistic features. While quantum mechanics works extremely well in its own domain of validity, and therefore relativistic corrections can be ignred in first approximation, quantum protocols can require regimes and precisions that witness key relativistic properties of the core suystems employed.
Motion is one of the key aspects where relativistic effects can manifest. It is well known that inertial systems witness different phenomena than those that are not inertial, such as uniformly accelerated ones. Therefore, correctly implementing the effects of relativistic motion of core components of quantum infromation protocols can provide corrections to known results. Ideally, new phenomena and tasks that cannot be achieved without considering both quantum mechanical and relativistic aspects are sought.
Gravitation of physical systems and the performance of quantum protocols that exploit them in scnearios where gravity is relevant is the other main aspect that is investigated in Relativistic Quantum Information. Background spacetime curvature is exepcted to affect the propagation of realistic systems, local time flow of a user on Earth or a satellite, or even imply the creation of particles. All of these important features can ultimately degrade or fundamentally alter the performance of protocols, thereby opening the way for quantum sensning of gravitationalparameters, distances and more.
The research in this field covers both foundational and technological aspects, promising to bring about new understanding of the laws of nature while allowing for better characterization of technologies that will operate in regimes of extreme accelerations, or at large distances in a gravtitational potential.
Research group: Mathematical Physics
Research topics:
- Quantum Information protocols in curved spacetime
- Relativistic Quantum Computing
- Relativistic Quantum Metrology
External Links:
- Relativistic Quantum Information article by R. B. Mann and T. C. Ralph