Building blocks for quantum computing based on typological materials with experimental and theoretical approaches.
Project fact sheet
The project is part of the Bavarian State Government's technology offensive Hightech Agenda Bavaria and serves the goal of coordinating and expanding the research work of the two locations Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and Forschungszentrum Jülich on building blocks for quantum computing based on topological materials, conducting joint research with experimental and theoretical approaches, and supporting the promotion of young researchers in the field of topological quantum computing.

The overall objective of the collaborative work is to advance the technological development of a logical qubit based on topological quantum states, the universal building block of quantum computers. To do this, topological quantum states must be unambiguously demonstrated as a computational basis and a gate architecture for topological qubits must be worked out. Conventional ideas such as topological qubits with localized Majorana states will be pursued, as well as promising alternatives with propagating modes ("flying qubits"). Through the collaboration of the partner groups, a variety of material systems, growth, prototyping and analysis methods can be contributed and new theoretical approaches can be pursued.
The project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as part of the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria technology offensive.
Within the project we cooperate with a partner institute from the Research Center Jülich (PGI-3). Furthermore, our project partners are located at the JMU Würzburg (Institute for Experimental Physics III, Chair for Theoretical Physics IV and Institute for Topological Insulators).